In this weekend‘s gospel, Simon Peter witnesses God‘s mysterious power. Simon has been fishing all night without catching anything. He has cleaned his nets. His work is finished. But when he follows Jesus’ instructions to cast his nets one more time, he catches an outstanding number of fish. In response to the miraculous site, Simon Peter falls to his knees and says “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Peter simultaneously acknowledges Jesus’ identity as Lord, and his own sinfulness. In response, he will leave everything behind and follow Christ.
When we confess our sinfulness in God‘s presence, we put ourselves in a position to be forgiven. It is this attitude that we take when we pray the penitential rite and ask the Lord’s mercy at the beginning of Mass. We begin this great prayer by first confessing, like Peter, our own sinfulness. This weekend, when you approach the altar at communion, you will also say the words uttered by an outsider, a Roman centurion, when he approached Jesus centuries ago: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” (St Brigid of Kildare Parish)
We pray for the sick of our parish and for those who care for them. We pray for those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they share the fullness of God's life promised by the Good Shepherd, who leads them home.
Parish Offerings and Collections: If at all possible, please continue to support St. Margaret's by mailing in your donation or dropping off during office hours or in the rectory mailbox. Thanks to all for your support.
- Tuesday, February 11 - Annual General Meeting, 1:30 p.m. in the church hall
- Saturday, February 22—Coldest Night of the Year walk/fundraiser for Grace Place. Please sign up on the bulletin board. Donations will be accepted up until the day of the walk. Please contact Lauri McFarlane if you have any questions.
Donations may be made online at and our group is St Margaret’s Parish.
We are still collecting used stamps for Development and Peace. Please bring any collected stamps to the church entrance and place them in the Stamp box located on the table on the right at the top of the stairs. Thank you!
We welcome and invite all women of the parish, 16 years of age and over, to join or renew their membership to this very worthy organization. Membership —$40 fee payable by cheque, cash or e-transfer to
For up-to-date information on events and happenings around the diocese, please log into www,

88 Clayte Street
Thunder Bay, ON
P7A 6S5
Phone: 807-344-9045
Fax: 807-345-8993

Pastor: Fr. Ciarán Donnelly
Parish Secretary:
Rose Marie Doliska
Music Ministry:
Maureen McGrath
Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

FRIDAY - 7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY - 5:00 p.m.
SUNDAY - 10:00 a.m.
Mass Intentions
January 31 to March 2, 2025

St. Margaret's was the third parish to be created in response to the needs of a growing population in the residential area of Brent Park in Port Arthur and as a relief to the increasing demands placed on St. Andrew's Church. The construction and opening of St. Margaret's Roman Catholic School on Clayte Street in 1954 prompted Bishop Jennings to investigate the purchase of property owned by the Sisters of St. Joseph adjacent to the school. "It would make another very fine little Catholic corner of Port Arthur" wrote Bishop Jennings, "considering that there is such a splendid school already there". The Fort William Diocese purchased one acre across from the school and, until a church could be built on the property, Sunday and some weekday masses and services, conducted by the Jesuits at St. Andrew's were held at St. Margaret's School. In March 1957 Bishop Jennings blessed and dedicated a new church on the property to be known as St. Margaret's chapel-of-ease "to provide a convenient centre of worship for the more distant members of the already larger than capacity congregation of St. Andrew's". Four years later, the chapel-of-ease was elevated to the status of a full-fledged parish with Father J.E. Roenicke as its first pastor.

Baptism: Parish Membership, Preparation Class and 3-months notice required.
Attached Baptism Registration PDF
Marriage: Parish Membership, Preparation Class and 1-year notice required.
Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:30-5:00 p.m. on request.
First Reconciliation/First Communion/Confirmation: Information to follow
To become a member of St. Margaret's Parish,
please complete the Registration Form.